Connect with the rhythm of your body and unlock its insights, patterns, and gifts through cycle tracking.
April 14, 2023
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Women’s bodies are magic. Let’s start there.
Your menstrual cycle is an intelligent dance with the universe and is so often misunderstood, underappreciated, or even hated.
In many global Indigenous cultures, a woman’s menstruation (or bleed) is considered sacred and important.
It’s a time when she emotionally and energetically releases what no longer serves her and the greater community. It’s a time for purging, clearing, and renewal. And it’s a time of great power and connection with the Divine.
My Sacred Feminine Awakening
The light turned on for me several years ago when I worked in a corporate office. A caterer (she was actually an oracle disguised as a caterer) heard me complaining about menstrual cramps and told me I had it all wrong.
By complaining, I was resistant to my body’s natural flow, and that physical tightness and energetic resistance were creating the cramping more than anything. She told me to love my body more during my period, not to hate on it.
That was the most profound mindset shift I’d ever had about my womanhood.
I’d become so used to women complaining about their periods that I didn’t realize how misaligned I was with my own body.
This sent me on a journey of discovery. A journey that led me to cycle tracking.
Lisa lister (the Red Journal)
“We are fortunate enough to have an internal map
—the menstrual cycle—that gives us directions for the most promising and potent times for everything we do.”
Related Post: Period Magic
Why Track Your Menstrual Cycle
When I started tracking, I couldn’t believe the wealth of information I discovered.
By cycle tracking, I now know which day/days I’ll likely be:
- antisocial
- creative
- outgoing & articulate
- intuitive
- tired
- & productive
This has been extremely helpful as a soulpreneur because I know exactly which days to block out for writing, which days are best for speaking engagements and Instagram reels, and which days I need to take it easy on myself.
By cycle tracking you’ll learn:
- when your period is expected
- how long and how heavy you’ll bleed
- if you’re suddenly irregular
- when you’ll have the most and least energy
- when you’ll be the fiercest and the calmest
- your cyclic gifts (I’ll go into this further below)
How To Track Your Cycle
Tracking is so simple and takes as little as 3 minutes per day.
I don’t suggest using an app because it removes the intimacy of the experience, and also, who the heck knows who’s looking at your personal data?
If you’re going your own route, here’s what you should consider tracking.
Essential things to track:
The Cycle Day
Day 1 is the first day of your period.
Keep counting until the day before your next period and then start back at day 1.
For many women, a menstrual cycle is around 28 days but can be 21-34 days — just go with your flow. 😉
The Date
This ensures that you don’t miss a tracking day and mess up your count.
How you Feel
By tracking your emotions, you can often find patterns you can prepare for each month.
Your Energy Level
This is extremely helpful info because you’ll know when to book high-energy activities.
Your Gifts
I learned this concept from Lisa Lister‘s brilliant book Code Red (where she creatively refers to them as “SHEpowers” or “superpowers”).
These gifts are the abilities and traits that you most rely on for your professional and personal life (e.g. creativity, organization, problem-solving, patience, public speaking, intuition, focus, and sociability).
I don’t know a single woman who’s entirely consistent with her gifts. From my personal experience, some days I’m unfocused and others I’m as sharp as a tack.
By tracking this info, you’ll have an insightful cycle syncing roadmap that will help inform when to book certain activities, events, and work into your schedule.

Additional Things to Track:
Cycle Archetype Phase
Each phase of your cycle is represented by a feminine archetype (a phase in a woman’s lifetime) that often aligns with the traits and gifts you’ll recognize by cycle tracking.
The Crone: This archetype is representative of the beginning of your cycle during menstruation (approx days 1-6).
The crone is a wise woman, she knows how to let go and release the attachments of the ego so she can be reborn.
The Maiden: This archetype is representative of your pre-ovulation phase (approx. days 7-13).
The maiden is dynamic, self-confident, and filled with potential.
The Mother: This archetype is representative of your ovulation/post-ovulation phase (approx days 14-21).
The mother is fully present, nurturing, collaborative, and productive.
The Wild Woman: This archetype is representative of your pre-menstrual phase (approx days 22-bleed).
The wild (aka wise) woman is highly intuitive, creative, and a no-BS problem solver.
Moon Phases
By documenting which phase the moon is in during my cycle, I’ve noticed that for the past several years, I bleed with the full moon predominately, and switch over to the new moon in late winter.
You can research what it means to bleed with each moon phase and see if it resonates with you. Bleeding on a new moon is known as a white moon cycle and bleeding on a full moon is known as a red moon cycle.
Also, by noticing the switch in my cycle from full moon to new moon, I realized that’s why I’m a couple weeks late one month each year. This resulted in several pregnancy tests until cycle tracking clued me in. 🤭
Other Astrological Occurrences
It’s interesting to note how specific planets affect your cycle.
For me, mercury retrograde + full moon + bleed = look out!
The Length of Your Bleed
It’s nice to know approximately how long your bleed will be each month so you can plan accordingly.
It will also alert you if your period is irregularly long or short so you can speak to a health care professional if needed.
Reviewing Your Cycle Tracking Data
You’ll likely begin to see patterns after only a few months.
But I recommend tracking for a full year (approx. 12-13 periods).
And keep in mind that your cycle isn’t fixed. Patterns may shift based on changes in your life, psyche, and even astrology, so keeping an eye on your cycle is always a helpful practice — and a beautiful way to connect with your body.
Final Thoughts on Cycle Tracking
I love how something I once considered so mundane and even a nuisance has become something I now honour as a sacred feminine gift.
An intelligent code between my mind and body.
And I will continue to explore and honour this dynamic phase of my life until its completion.
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