This post is a step-by-step guide to help you shift the negative energy of a bad mood and return to your true self.
If you’re instead looking for info on how to clear negative energy you’ve picked up from another person or unknown source, this article will help you.
April 5, 2021
Need to clear your negative energy right now? No time to read it all? Jump to the method.
I came up with this method when I was in a bad mood and I needed to shift my negative energy quickly.
My family was packed tightly into the car on our way to a party. We’d left our home in utter chaos, our daughter was getting in her final molars (if your child is currently going through this — my deepest empathy), our two-month-old had just fallen and hurt himself, and, on top of all of that, my father had just transitioned into the light the month before and the sudden low energy of the day surfaced a wave of grief.
My world was aggressively spinning and we were ten minutes from arriving at our friends’ house.
I’m very aware of my energy and how it may affect others, and the last thing I wanted to do was arrive with a plate of cookies and a low vibe energetic cloud.
I had to raise my vibration. Fast.
I dug into my energetic toolkit and followed my intuition.
The techniques I used worked so well together that I jotted the sequence down the next morning and realized that it spelled out the acronym BEAM (so fitting!). Like a ray of sunlight clearing out the dense energy.
First, I want to make it super clear that this isn’t a way to block or sidestep your emotions. It’s so important that you always take a moment to listen to and feel your emotions. Why are they trying so hard to get your attention? Is there deeper healing that needs to be acknowledged? If you don’t, they will 100% show up knocking on your heart again, stronger and stronger, until you finally open the door.
But, that being said, you don’t always have the luxury of space and time to properly attend to them the moment they arise. Like in my case, about to arrive at a party.
So, if you use this method to shift the negative energy and raise your vibration, please do set aside some quiet time to revisit the issue. Try EFT/tapping. It works.
1. Breathe
Conscious breathing is the quickest way to remind your body that you’re okay. It eases your heart rate and slows down racing thoughts.
Breathe in for a count of 10.
Hold for a count of 3.
Breathe out for a count of 10.
Hold for a count of 3.
(Count at a pace that’s most comfortable for you.)
Do this for at least two minutes. But really, the longer the better. You’ll feel your mind settling and the tension in your body easing.
2. Envision
The two quickest energetic techniques I use to clear my energy and raise my vibration are grounding and light blasting.
This is my favourite and most invigorating way to ground. It’s more of a grounding 2.0 because you create a full energy circuit — plugging in both above and below.
- Imagine a massive, glowing crystal in the centre of the earth.
- Envision your feet pulling up the light from that crystal all the way through your body, up and out of the top of your head, and see it rise up and join the light of another glowing crystal above your head.
- Then send that light back down through your body and back into the crystal in the earth.
Use your breath. Breathe in to bring the light upwards and out to bring it downwards. Repeat at least three times.
You’ve created a circuit of cleansing, life-force energy flowing through you.
Light blasting
Once you’ve envisioned the energy flowing back and forth through the grounding circuit several times, imagine it accumulating at your heart chakra and then, with a strong breath out, blast it all around you like a beautiful energetic firecracker.
3. Affirm
It’s so important to acknowledge to yourself (your ego) that you’re making the conscious choice to shift your mood.
Try one or a few of these affirmations (if you’re in public, just speak them in your mind).
“I choose to step into the light.”
“I allow myself to let this situation go.”
“I choose to see things with love.”
“I am a lightworker and I choose to shine brightly.”
And if you feel you need some support, try a prayer. I’ve left it blank for you to direct your prayer to whomever you please — e.g., Universe, Source, Creator, God, Angels, Jesus, Higher Self, Ascended Masters.
“Thank you ____ for shifting my mood.”
“Thank you ____ for loving and supporting me.”
“Thank you ____ for raising my frequency to a vibration of love.”
Note: I learned from the spiritual thought leader, Kyle Gray, to always start a prayer with “thank you.” You’re asking for help by thanking (whomever) for the desired outcome. Focusing on what you want rather than what you don’t want is key to positive manifestation.
4. Move
Now it’s time to draw your attention back to your physical body and ensure that the stagnant, negative energy is out.
If you’re in a space that allows for self-expression, go for it! Dance, shake, punch, kick, anything to get the blood and new energy flowing.
If you’re in public, try small movements like neck, ankle, and wrist rolls.
Breathe in for 10, hold for 3, out for 10, hold for 3. Repeat for at least a minute. The longer the better.
Envision a crystal under your feet and another above your head and create a circuit of light energy flowing from each through your body, then blast it out all around you.
Affirm that you want to shift your mood. And mean it.
Move your body.
And that, my friends, is how to clear negative energy simply and quickly.
Now take in the world with new eyes, choose to focus on the good, and feel those amazing high-vibe tingles within your energy field.
If you feel your mind wandering back to the bad neighbourhood of negative thoughts, picture your ego as a child, take the child over to a comfy couch beside a sunny window and turn on her favourite Netflix show. Then, go back to the breathwork.
It may sound silly, but your ego needs to be parented. Comfort her and remind yourself that you, your true self, is in control.
Because you always are.
Do you have any tips on how to clear negative energy? Please share in the comments below.
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