Looking for a way to quantum leap your life? Here 8 Human Design cheat codes that, when unlocked, can create dramatic change.
January 10, 2024
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Your Human Design chart is like a hallway of doors to your potential — learn how to open them & everything changes.
Quantum Leap Your Life with Human Design
Human Design is growing in popularity as more and more people are astonished by its accuracy.
But the true magic comes when Human Design is used as a self-mastery tool.
Here are 8 Human Design cheat codes that, when put into practice, can quantum leap your life.
Note: When I say “cheat code” I mean a key that most of the population hasn’t yet used to unlock their potential. But it takes attention, care, and practice to master these areas of your chart. There’s no cheating here. 😉
Related Post: How to Read Your Human Design Chart

Get your free personalized Human Design chart here + a Gate Guide to help you decode your design.
human design cheat code #1
Own the Gifts of your Conscious/ Personality Sun Gate
Top right number in your free chart.

This represents the most powerful gift (light) you’re here to share with the world. Own it!
And if it doesn’t feel like a gift yet, explore what may be holding back its expression.
Are there limiting beliefs that need to be deconditioned?
If you don’t know what this number (Gate) means, you can find it in my free Simplified Gate Guide.
human design cheat code #2
2: Flow in the Direction of Your Nodes
North node — 3rd number from the top of each column in your free chart.
South node — 4th number from the top of each column in your free chart.

If you’re 38-43 years old, step into your North Node Gates. This Gate combo represents your life direction following your Uranus Opposition that happens during this age range.
If you’re younger, master your South Node, so that when it’s time, you can move into your North Node with ease.
Find what these numbers mean in my free Simplified Gate Guide.
Human Design Cheat code #3
Follow Your Inner Authority
Found under the Bodygraph in your free chart.
Your Human Design Authority is your consistent source for intuition and innate inner knowing.
So many people are aware of it, but not tapping into this decision-making superpower.
When you learn how to work with your Authority and use it as your guide, you stop looking for answers outside of yourself and stop asking your brain to come up with a million scenarios to ‘figure it all out.’
Like a homing pigeon knows where to fly and a flower knows how to bloom, your Authority knows what to do next. You just need to take the pressure off your mind and listen to your Authority.
Here’s what each means:
Give yourself time to feel through a decision and finalize it when your emotional wave passes and you’re in a place of neutrality.
Tune into the feeling in your gut (sacral center/chakra). If it feels lit up, it’s the right decision for you.
Notice the instinctual knowing that comes to you in an instant and make your decision in that moment.
Tune into your heart and decide what feels good and right for you personally. Ensure you make decisions for your own good rather than trying to prove your value externally.
Talk it out and decide based on the inner wisdom that comes through your voice.
ENVIRONMENT (aka Mental)
Make a decision by sensing within your body if a place, person, or opportunity feels in or out of alignment, and also rely on the inner wisdom that comes through your voice when speaking about it.
Give yourself lots of time to feel through the decision (preferably a full lunar cycle since you will experience many changes in your energy during that time).
human design cheat code #4
Release Your Attachment to Labels
Especially important for those with an undefined Identity Center.

Nice, difficult, manager, award-winner, divorced, pretty, mother, wife…
It’s especially important to release all of the labels that have defined you — especially if you have an undefined (white) Identity Center (aka G-Center).
Undefined Identity Centers are designed to take in the identities of others. This energetic information allows you to relate to and understand others at a core level.
It’s also a built-in BS detector.
But on the flip side, because you’re not designed to have consistent energy in this area, you may be more conditionable when it comes to your own identity and more attached to the labels society, others, or yourself have given you.
These definitions are holding back your ever-unfolding transformation. Let them go!
Human design cheat code #5
Manifest in Alignment with your Design
Bottom right arrow in your free chart.

Did you know there’s a Human Design cheat code for aligned manifestation?
Practicing manifestation in alignment with how you’re designed to strategically use your mind is key to manifesting with more flow and ease.
If your bottom right arrow is…
You’re designed to be very specific with manifestations, goals, and dreams. Make a list. Visualize your manifestation in detail. Call things in with specificity. You manifest most efficiently when you’re detailed and clear on your desires.
You’re designed to feel into what you want to experience. Honour your desire, own it, but release the need to know all of the small details. You may focus on a colour, feeling, flavour, or general visualization of what you want and return to it often, but ensure you stay in flow and focus more on the feeling and less on the details.
human design cheat code #6
Follow your Energy Type’s Strategy
Each energy type has its own strategy:
By being mindful of your energy type’s strategy, you set yourself up to take action from a place of least resistance.
Generator — to respond
Wait for something to come into physical reality that you can respond to (ie., a sign on a building, an email, an ad, a cause you see on social media, a friend mentioning a course, a book title, a person in need, etc.). It’s not about waiting for an invite (that’s for projectors). It’s all about noticing the signs and signals around you. When you respond to your reality, you become magnetic for more opportunities to show up in your life to respond to.
Manifestor — to inform
Inform others about your wild ideas and plans. This is never to get permission — you’re designed to follow your hunches and inspiration — it’s so others won’t slow you down with questions and hesitation when you’re in the middle of your creative flow. It’s also to allow others the opportunity to provide support and assistance with your projects. You’re designed to be a driving force, not the one doing all of the leg work.
Manifesting Generator — to respond, then inform
Wait for something to come into your physical reality that you can respond to and then inform others about your plans. You’re a mix of the two strategies above.
Projector — to wait for the recognition and invitation
Wait for recognition and an invitation before starting something that involves working with others. This is not meant to be restrictive, instead, it’s meant to help you determine right timing and own your value.
Reflector — to wait for a lunar cycle to make big decisions
Since your energy, and in turn mood and thoughts, fluctuate with the cycles of the moon, it’s best to wait a full lunar cycle (approx. 28-29 days) to make a big decision or start something new. The moon moves through all 64 Human Design Gates during this time, allowing you to feel the full spectrum of energy regarding a certain situation.
human design cheat code #7
Heal the Wounds of Your Chiron Gate
Second last gate of each column in your free chart.

Chiron (aka Kiron or Kheiron) is an asteroid.
Chiron doesn’t activate Gates on your chart but what Gates it was transiting through (shown in your free chart — not all charts have this) provides insight into the deep wounds you’re here to face, heal, and alchemize into gifts and wisdom.
human design cheat code #8
Practice Sacred Self-care via your Earth Gates
Second number from the top of each column in your free chart.

Your Earth Gates are keys to grounding and stabilizing your energy.
Do some self-inquiry around these Gates to understand how you’re expressing these gates.
Bonus: human design cheat code #9
Release Your Attachment to the Outcome of Everything Listed Above
If the process of quantum leaping your life isn’t enjoyable, you won’t get very far. Let go of the pressure. Play and experiment with your Human Design and see what happens.
Learn about 1:1 Human Design Readings with me.
For more Human Design insight follow me on Instagram.
Questions? Feel free to drop them in the comments.
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How to Read Your Human Design Chart
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