Insights + tips to help you navigate your Uranus Opposition.
May 29, 2024
It’s not a mid-life crisis, it’s a mid-life awakening.
Uranus Opposition
Uranus Opposition is an astrological event that’s tied to the “mid-life crisis.”
It’s so often overlooked, but it’s one of the most profoundly transformative portals we venture through.
Related Post: How to Read Your Human Design Chart

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How to Find the Exact Date of Your Uranus Opposition
Allow Your Sacred Feminine Power to Surface
When is Uranus Opposition?
You typically feel the effects of Uranus Opposition between the ages of 40-44 depending on when you were born. (See below to find your exact date).
It occurs when the transiting Uranus is opposite (180 degrees) its original position on your natal chart. But there’s a 2-3 degree “Orb of Influence” before and after it opposes its natal position when you feel its effects. So you may feel the theme of this transit for about 18 months or so.
Mine’s approaching — just after I turn 43. (And I’ve definitely been feeling its energy for a while.)
Uranus’ Symbolism
Known as the “Great Awakener” in astrology, Uranus challenges societal structures and conditioning that aren’t aligned with your truth.
It’s the revolutionary aspect of self that refuses to bow down to external systems.
It represents your authenticity, intuition, inspiration, rebellion, self-governance, deconditioning, uprising, and the unexpected.
What is Uranus Opposition?
I consider this planetary transit a portal because it’s a massive opportunity for growth and moves you into a new version of self.
It’s a very introspective time. Many people turn to astrology and Human Design in order to deepen their self-awareness and exploration.
While everyone’s experience of Uranus Opposition will vary based on their astrological birth chart, Human Design, current situation, and conditioning, the theme of this transit is an inner uprising and life reassessment.
You may ask yourself:
- Is my current experience valuable, nurturing, and fulfilling?
- Has life put me in a box? Have I associated my worth with particular labels?
- What’s holding me back from my next level?
- What am I most afraid of? How do I move through it so that I can experience more freedom?
- What needs to realign for me to live more authentically?
- Is this home, city, and community still a good fit?
- Does my work feel purposeful?
- Am I comfortable with the way my body is changing?
- What goals do I still desire to reach?
The answers to these questions may lead to exciting life changes, clearing outdated limiting beliefs, taking risks you never would have before, and realigning with who you truly are.
If you’re moving through this powerful time of transformation and you’d like some clarity, I’d be so happy to support you with a 1:1 Human Design reading.
It’s Not a Mid-Life Crisis
This time of transformation is often mistakenly referred to as a “mid-life crisis.”
It’s not.
At least not for anyone who embraces personal growth and transformation.
Yes, it shakes things up.
But if you’ve already done inner work, the “crisis” will feel far more comfortable. Like a veil is being removed from your eyes and life is becoming so much clearer.
That’s why I call it a mid-life awakening.
Tools to Support You During Your Uranus Opposition
1: Human Design — this self-awareness tool has resulted in more ah-ha moments than anything else I’ve come across. It’s startlingly accurate and also really fun to explore and experiment with.
2: Stream of Consciousness journaling — this practice allows your true voice (and sometimes the voice of your guides and higher self) to come through. Giving you deeper insight into the truth of who you are.
3: RRT or Hypnotherapy — if your Uranus Opposition surfaces some sticky fears or limiting beliefs that are tough to tackle on your own, this healing therapy is extremely powerful at reprogramming your subconscious and supporting your nervous system. (I’ve done it twice now for heavy fears and it has been a game-changer!)

How Your Uranus Opposition Relates to Your Human Design Chart
Uranus Opposition is usually something that Astrologists speak about, but when it comes to Human Design, there are some significant things to note:
South Node to North Node Evolution
The originator of Human Design linked the Uranus Opposition to the shift in focus from your South Nodes to your North Nodes.
It’s a time when you let go of what no longer serves you in your South Node (the lower expression or shadow associated with it) but carry the wisdom gained (higher expression and gift) into the next phase of your life.
It’s very helpful to review the meaning of your South Node and North Node gates to understand their gifts and shadows.
Uranus in your Human Design Chart
You can also review the gates associated with Uranus in your chart to understand how you might express the rebellious and awakening energy during your Uranus Opposition.
How to Find the Exact Date of Your Uranus Opposition
(You don’t need to know the exact date. Just if you’re curious. And as mentioned, you’ll likely feel the Uranus Opposition energy before this date.)
I have paid Astrology and Human Design programs that allow me to calculate transits. But I’ve done some digging and found this free transit calculator (I have no affiliation with this site but I tested it and it worked for me).
1: Type in all of your birth data.
2: Select “Uranus” under the “Transit” and “to Natal” tabs.
3: Select “180 Opposition” under “aspect.”
4: Leave the “From” and “House system” the way they are.
5: Hit “Calculate.”
6: Then look at the first result.
7: The date in the far left column is your Uranus Opposition date.
Allow Your Sacred Feminine Power to Surface
The rebellious spirit of Uranus calls you to embody your gifts, follow your intuitive inner knowing, and step away from the life you thought you had to lead to be loveable and secure.
It can unleash your inner wild woman that says “No! I’m not going to live a life that isn’t mine. I’m going to be the person I came here to be. And I’m going to love myself for exactly who I am.”
If you’ve been suppressing this aspect of self, this may feel uncomfortable but allowing her to rise, be witnessed, and honoured, will result in your rising.
This is your time to step into the next version of you. As they say…
Your days as a caterpillar are over. Your wings are ready.
What’s your experience with Uranus Opposition? Would love to hear about it in the comments.
Learn about 1:1 Human Design Readings with me.
For more insight into your unique energetics follow me on Instagram.
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