Healy is for everyone ready to step-up their healing journey, ready to release the blocks holding them back, and ready to move into the next level of their lives.
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What is Healy
Healy is a wearable holistic wellness device.
Designed by a physicist who was also a Vedic monk, it supports your physical and energetic systems by providing frequencies through individualized programs.
This type of frequency support used to only be available via practitioners operating large machines.
This tiny device is a huge step forward for health sovereignty and a move towards the quantum age of technology.
Purchase Healy Here (psst…there’s often a sale but you won’t see it until you go to checkout)
See the Healy programs and how the device works.
✨ It can analyze your response to millions of frequencies to see which ones you personally resonate with in the moment to help harmonize your bioenergetic field and increase cellular energy.
✨ You can use it wirelessly with a coil, or with electrodes that deliver a microcurrent.
✨ Microcurrent itself has been shown to increase amino acid transport by up to 40%, protein synthesis by up to 70%, and cell ATP by up to 500%.
✨ It can also scan your energetic field and share details about your chakra system and then provide frequencies to help harmonize it.
✨ Through the coaching module, it can identify emotional and energetic blocks that may affect your ability to manifest your goals. And it sends you frequencies so you can move through those blocks. (See my Instagram story highlight for a crazy story about this!)
✨ It even provides info on bach flowers or homeopaths and can give an I Ching reading.
My Healy Experience

My intention when purchasing a Healy was for stress and mild anxiety relief and more energy as a busy mom.
I’d been through a lot in the past few years (as I’m sure you can relate to) and I wanted a way to care for myself that didn’t take any additional time or effort from my day.
I wear Healy as I’m playing with my kids, doing laundry, writing blog articles, and resting in the evenings.
I especially love the Bed Rest program that harmonizes the vagus nerve responsible for the stress response of fight or flight.
My husband started using my device and loved it for the programs designed to harmonize physical pain, so now he has his own device and uses it multiple times a day.
We also love the programs designed to support the immune system. And run them as soon as we feel run down.
It’s been a game-changer.
The longer I work with it, the more shifts I experience (physically, energetically, and emotionally – you can find more details on my Instagram story highlight ).
It’s the coolest little device that links current quantum physics and the energetic principles that spiritual thought leaders have spoken about since ancient times.
How Does Healy Work?
Wired wristbands are attached to the Healy that send specific, individualized frequencies through a microcurrent. These frequencies support your body’s energetic field and also promote cellular healing.
Your body is made of several layers:
- tissues and organs that are made of cells
- cells that are made of molecules
- molecules that are made of atoms
- atoms that are made of subatomic particles
- subatomic particles that are made of energy, frequency, and vibration
Frequency is the foundation and language of your body.
What Makes the Healy Programs Individualized?
Healy uses a scanner that checks for resonance with each frequency in a specific program. If your body and/or energetic field is in resonance with a frequency (signals back that it wants it), Healy delivers it.
Is Frequency Healing pseudoscience?
No. It’s quantum physics.
Here’s a brilliant webinar that explains the impact that frequency has on our bodies (it starts at the 10 min mark).
And here’s a video of the creator of Healy explaining the physics behind it.
What Types of Healy Programs Are There?
There are over 100 programs that make use of frequencies that have been studied and identified as harmonizing the energetic field. Here’s a list of some of the programs’ focal points.
- Sleep
- Stress
- Beauty & anti-aging
- Skin conditions
- Circulation
- Pain
- Chakras & energy meridians
- Electrosensitivity
- Energetic protection
- Memory & learning
- Emotional healing
- Immune system
- Fitness & endurance
- Digestion
- Mental clarity
- Vitality
You can view most of the programs available here.
Why Use Technology Over Traditional Energy Healing?
A lot of us have a distaste for technology. But we need to make a clear distinction between harmful technology and helpful technology serving a higher purpose.
The creator of Healy is a Physicist who was a Vedic monk for 12 years. His vision is to merge his knowledge about energy and the subtle body and quantum physics to help humanity take charge of our own well-being and to raise the consciousness of the planet.
And this technology is a tool that can be used with any other healing modalities (e.g. many acupuncturists find the meridians programs amplify the healing work they’re doing for their clients).
How do I know which Healy programs to use?
You can base it on knowledge or intuition of your own physical and energetic state.
Or if you have the Resonance, Resonance Plus, or Professional model it comes with a resonance scanner that will detect which program you need the most at that particular moment. It’s been bang-on when I’ve used it.
Do you need a Smartphone to use Healy?
Yes, the device is controlled by apps on your Apple or Android smartphone.
But what about EMFs?
Before running a program, it’s sent to your Healy via an app on your phone (takes a few seconds). After that, the bluetooth can be turned off.
What’s the Difference Between Each Healy Model?
Healy comes in 5 different editions.
Gold — This runs the more universal, foundational programs as well as pain management and bioenergetic support.
Holistic — This includes everything in the Gold edition plus bioenergetic harmony 1 & 2, meridians 1 & 2, and mental balance.
Resonance — This includes everything in the previous two editions plus: Chakras, Fitness, Sleep, and the Power of Three.
Resonance Plus — This includes everything in the previous three editions plus: Deep Cycle H, Learning, Skin, Aura Analysis (aura scan to see if any are out of balance), and Success Coach Module (allows you to type in a desired outcome and send frequencies to the areas that need support to create that outcome).
Professional — This includes everything from the other editions plus: Job, Beauty, Digital Nutrition, and Bioenergetic Vitalization.
Note: If you purchase a model and later want a program from a higher model you can purchase it separately. For example, if you really want the beauty program that’s on the Professional edition but only want to buy the Gold edition, you can purchase the Gold and add the Beauty program.
Feel free to contact me if you’re wondering if Healy has a specific program.
Purchase Healy Here
Is there a return policy?
Yep. Two weeks. So you can try it out.
I heard that when you purchase, you can sign up as a Healy member. What does that mean?
That means you’re assigned a personal referral link to the Healy store. When someone visits the online shop via your link and purchases a device, you receive a commission.
It’s a cool opportunity that allows you to pay off the cost of your device. Many people are making an additional income off of this model and are part of a supportive, holistic community. Contact me if you’d like to learn more.
Can I pay off the cost of my Healy through the membership?
As mentioned above, when you sign up as a member, you’ll receive a referral link. If your friends and loved ones want to purchase a Healy too, have them use your link. You can pay off your device with as little as four or five purchases of the same device you have.
Why therapeutic frequencies?
As most of us are aware, the current state of the world is full of disharmonious energy. Add deep emotional wounds, energetic blockages, and physical pain and our energy can fall out of alignment.
Healy is used to bring your energetic and physical bodies back to a harmonious state and realign you with your originating blueprint.
Where can I find pricing and purchase one?
Click here for the Healy shop.
I have more questions.
Please reach out. I’ve learned so much about this device and the power of frequency healing and I love to share.
If you purchase through my link (anyone who purchases a Healy can get their own referral link), I’ll receive a commission. It helps support my family as I support your kick-off with your Healy device and healing journey.
Contact me when you purchase through any links on this page, and I’ll share:
- set-up guidance
- need-to-know tips
- what not to do (based on everything I did wrong when I got started 🤭)
- invite to a virtual Healy users community with tons of Q&A
- fantastic videos about the most popular programs and modules
- and a template to track the programs you run and your experiences with them
Note: I’m not a medical expert. I’m a human using the Healy device and sharing my personal experiences. The information shared is not intended to be a substitute for professional health or medical advice or treatment, nor should it be relied upon for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any health consideration. Consult with a licensed healthcare practitioner before altering or discontinuing any medications, treatment or care.
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