This post is a detailed list of nine ways you can help ensure a positive and high-vibe birth experience.
June 10, 2021
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A Nourished & Supported Birth
Birthing a new little light into the world is one of the most invigorating and memorable life experiences.
As natural as it is, and even though your body knows exactly what to do, it’s important to take some time to prepare. To ensure your mind, body, and soul are nourished and supported, and the energy of the experience is as high vibrational as possible.
Here are nine things you can do to help create a positive, empowering, and high-vibe birthing experience.
Tips for a Spiritual, High-Vibe Birth Experience
I spent weeks searching for the BEST birthing music.
I posted on women’s forums, asked my friends, and listened to an uncountable amount of sample songs on iTunes. There was a lot of beautiful, calming music out there, but nothing felt right.
Then a friend sent me a link to an 852 Hz album. It was perfect the moment I heard it!
The 852 hertz solfeggio frequency is a high vibrational sound. When you listen to it, your energy moves into alignment with its frequency, which is connected to the third eye and higher consciousness.
My free sleep meditation uses solfeggio frequency music (you can get yours here).
If you’re birthing at home, this is nice to do. If you’re in a hospital, this is imperative.
Any time I’m on my way to a hospital (since it’s a space filled with strong emotions and emotional imprints), I visualize a bubble of protective light around me and my own inner light shining through it like a radiant star. The intention is for my light to help raise the frequency of the space but also to be sealed from any lower frequency energy.
But let’s be realistic, if you’re in labour, you may not have a chance to stop and visualize — so, do it before. Take some time in stillness and visualize yourself in a hospital room being cleansed by beautiful light.
Dimming the lights can help you feel more relaxed and less exposed.
And if you’re birthing at home in the evening, your birth partner can light a candle. Candlelight creates a relaxing atmosphere and you can use the flickering flame as a focal point, drawing in the power of the fire element.
A focal point is SO helpful when moving through the waves of contractions.
During the birth of my daughter, I hadn’t prepared one and found myself feeling scattered during intense moments.
Deep into active labour, my eyes eventually latched on to a tiny stone pendant dangling from my midwife’s necklace, and the extreme focus brought on a boost of strength and energy.
Here are some recommendations:
Frequency art
For my son’s birth, I used Teal Swan’s frequency art. You can purchase a digital download and easily print it out at home. The one I used was “Sense of Security” but there are so many to choose from.
Frequency art is said to hold a high vibration, so when you view it, your energy moves into alignment with that particular frequency.
Oracle card
An oracle card featuring an empowering image and statement also makes a great focal point. Lay out your favourite card deck and select the one you’re most drawn to.
If you don’t have oracle cards, here’s a post featuring the most gorgeous decks available.
A large crystal placed on a table near you, or a small crystal held up by your partner or doula can be a great focal point.
Choose one with an energetic signature that’ll assist you during the birth experience — like carnelian (see below).

According to The Book of Stones (my go-to for crystal and stone info), Carnelian is a stone that holds the energy of courage, physical vitality, confidence, and action and activates the second chakra (womb area).
I made myself a carnelian bracelet a few weeks before my son’s due date and immediately felt a sense of strength and courage when wearing it. (It’s simple to make one, here’s a crystal and stone bracelet tutorial). Or if you’re too busy prepping for the birth of your little babe, here is a beautiful handmade carnelian bracelet and necklace you can purchase from Etsy.
And because it also helps activate creative energy, I still wear it every time I sit down to write (it’s on my wrist as I type this sentence).
Red calcite is also a good choice. The writers of The Book of Stones believe it’s helpful for both pregnancy and childbirth. And you can also find it on Etsy.
I know, this sounds super simple, right? But this is actually the most scientifically backed tip of the bunch.
Positive emotions like gratitude and happiness help your body remain in a parasympathetic nervous system state and produce hormones like oxytocin and endorphins — these can help with pain relief and shorten labour. Yes, please!
During my son’s birth, up to the first six centimeters of dilation, I watched cute videos of my daughter. It was the perfect way to raise my frequency and lighten the mood. The contractions would come and go but their intensity was surprisingly mild (compared to what I’d experienced with my daughter’s birth).
You could also watch videos of your wedding, family get-togethers, pets, anything that makes you feel happy and calm.
And if you don’t have access to a device, even talking or thinking about warm memories will do the trick.
For my son’s hospital birth, it was suggested I wear a hospital gown to keep from staining my own clothes. But staining was a risk I was SO willing to take to wear something comfy.
Hands down the most important thing when birthing is that you’re as comfortable as possible. And who’s EVER comfortable in a hospital gown (physically or even subconsciously)?
I decided to wear a simple, knee-length, black robe. It’s something I already had in my closet and was easily washable.
The robe was perfect because my midwife had access if she needed to check my dilation, it was easy to use the washroom, and I didn’t need to guess at my due date size because it was a stretchy jersey material with a tie.
I can’t say enough about midwives!
No, they can’t perform surgery. But that’s because these superheroes are specialists in the areas of birth, prenatal, and postnatal care.
They’re extremely risk adverse. If any red flags pop up, no matter how minor, they’ll send you for testing and ensure you see an OB or other specialist.
Another benefit is you can choose where to birth (at home, at a birthing centre, or at a hospital).
My midwives were caring, compassionate, and so knowledgeable. I never waited more than five minutes in the waiting room, and for both births, I couldn’t have felt more lovingly supported.
On top of that, during postnatal visits, the midwives took the time to look me in the eyes and ask how I was doing.
(If you’ve already decided to go with an OB instead of a midwife, consider hiring a doula for additional support.)
It’s important to spend time envisioning your perfect birth experience to project that positive energy into the future but, as with any type of manifestation practice, it’s also important to trust the universe and leave space for things to unfold.
Because you, beautiful mama, are divinely supported.
Looking for a meaningful and unique baby name, Mama, I’ve got you covered! Visit the SbL Baby Name Library.
Sending so much love for a beautiful birth!
These spiritual birth prep ideas really helped make childbirth a more comfortable and magical experience. And I truly hope they do the same for you!
And, after the birth of your new little light, keep the high-vibe energy flowing by allowing yourself to energetically and emotionally release the birth experience. This post will support you when you’re ready.

These are such great tips! Especially dimming the lights & having my music / affirmation playlist ready helped to get me in the zone, especially in the hospital.
Aww thanks for sharing Rose! Self-nurturing is so necessary — especially if you’re in the hospital. Sending so much love and healing for whatever you’re moving through.