This post explains what negative energy is and three powerful energy clearing methods you can use to remove it.
October 26, 2021
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Our energy is our life force.
We spend so much time caring for our physical bodies — bathing, working out, flossing, eating healthy foods — but what about our energetic bodies?
Practicing ways to raise and maintain a high vibrational frequency is awesome and so necessary, but without consistently clearing our energy fields, we’re missing out on a whole piece of the energetic puzzle.
And considering the current state of the collective consciousness (holy moly), regular energy clearing is a must-do!
Have you ever suddenly felt sadness, anxiety, or heaviness in your gut and had no idea where it came from?
You’ve had a good day, went out to the store to do groceries, got into the car, and suddenly you just feel blah?
Your energy field has likely picked up a low energy thought form from someone at the grocery store.
It’s so important to be conscious of these energetic shifts and clear them immediately as they arise.
And even if you haven’t noticed an energetic shift, it’s important to regularly clean and clear your field.
Energy clearing is when you consciously remove negative (low frequency) energy from your energetic field (aka aura, energetic body, outer field).
Any energetic strain that’s caused by a lowering frequency. Some examples include:
- negative thought forms
- resurfaced past life attachments
- trapped emotional energy
- and all of the other icky energetic things I’m not interested in getting into here (let’s just focus on clearing).
These undesirable energies can lower your frequency and also cause physical discomfort, negative thought patterns, and emotional strain and suffering.
The keys to effective energy clearing:
- Belief in your innate power to clear.
- Belief in the support you have to clear (from angels, guides, Ascended Masters, Source/Creator/God, etc.).
- A true desire to let go of anything not from the light.
Don’t lower the potency of the below methods by questioning if they truly work. They will work if you hold the belief and intent to clear.
But these methods are for daily maintenance. If you consistently feel a low energy in your field and have some trouble removing it, visit a trusted energy healer.
Here are three powerful energy clearing methods.
Light Shower
I first learned about energy clearing from Tara Antler (more about her in this post) and she taught me this simple, beautiful method.
1) Close your eyes and envision a shower of light raining down on you. The liquid light drenches your whole body and energetic field bathing you in its pure essence of light, love, and peace. Feel the energy of each droplet.
2) Sit in stillness and observe the light shower until you intuitively feel your energetic field has been cleared.
3) Then envision your body completely lit up and blast the light all around you (approximately six feet out). Notice the outline of a bubble of light around you that will continue to clear and protect your energy throughout the day.
Note: You can also do this while in the shower for added effect. 😉
Clear Through Stillness & Breath
I learned this powerful method from NoraWalksInSpirit (more about her in this post). It’s a simple way to connect with higher consciousness and breathe out any lower frequencies.
1) Ground yourself.
2) Close your eyes and focus on listening to the stillness around you. Ask the Source/Creator/God/Ascended Master energy to clear your energetic field now.
3) Now breathe in that stillness filled with Divine energy through the top of your head (crown chakra) and pull it down into your third eye chakra (forehead area). Then breathe out through your third eye (envision any negative energy moving out through your third eye) with a long, open mouth breath.
4) Breath in through your crown chakra again, into your heart chakra. Then breathe out through your heart chakra with a long, open mouth breath.
5) Breath in through your crown chakra again, into your solar plexus chakra (stomach area). Then breathe out through your solar plexus chakra with a long, open mouth breath.
If you feel any tightness or sense any negative energy in a specific place, breathe the Divine energy in through your crown chakra again and this time direct it to that particular area of your body. Now strongly and audibly (like whooshing sound) breathe out of that area with the intent to remove any lingering negative energy.
Pull It Off
I also learned this quick and empowering method from NoraWalksInSpirit. It’s used any time you feel an unexplainable uneasiness (like the grocery store example above).
Try to locate where the discomfort is and say firmly (out loud or internally):
“You are not my energy. Leave now.”
Say it while pulling the energy off your body with your hand and tossing it away with the intent to send it back to its source with love.
I know. So simple. But energy clearing doesn’t have to be complicated. Just be focused, direct, and believe in your power. Because you are WAY more powerful than you will ever understand while here on earth.
Like raising your vibration, make clearing your energy field a priority. Monitor your energy throughout the day and do a quick clearing any chance you get.
This will allow you to shine your brightest (woohoo), attract more awesome into your life (yes!), and help raise the frequency of the planet (thank you).
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